Starting Out With Programming Logic And Design


Starting Out With Programming Logic And Design 3rd ED. Chp 12-15

In Raptor Programming Software could you please create the programs per the directions?

Program #1.
Sum of Digits in a String. It is necessary to create a utility procedure that allows you to convert from a character to an integer value to allow you to sum the values of the digits in a string. Also, Raptor will not allow you to input a numeric value and treat it as a String input. To work around this limitation, I would recommend putting a character like ‘a’ somewhere in your input value so Raptor will treat the input as a String data type. Your program should be designed in such a way that it will ignore any non-numeric characters in the input string.

Program #2
Area of Shapes: Design a superclass called Shape that contains one function—getArea(). The getArea() function in…

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